Training with Zenith

Training with Zenith

Why Train with Zenith?


Led by our dedicated, highly experienced teaching and learning leads across our Trust schools, our partnership provides exceptional teacher training opportunities for graduates and those looking for a career change into teaching. 

Teaching is a uniquely exciting and enriching career, which enhances the life chances of every child and drives social mobility.  We pride ourselves on nurturing talent within our Trust, and growing the leaders of tomorrow.  Everyone who works in our schools is therefore able to make a genuine difference to the communities we serve. 

We support a variety of routes into teaching, including School Direct, School-Centred Initial Teacher Training, Teacher Apprenticeship programmes, Teach First, and PGCEs, as outlined  here: 


Train to be a teacher


Our cutting-edge programme of support for our Early Career Teachers (ECTs) is supported by exemplary delivery from the National Institute of Teaching or Mid Essex Initial Teacher Training as two of our partnership providers.  We also welcome applications via Teach First, e-Qualitas, and  Tes. 


Early Career Framework (ECF) – The National Institute of Teaching 


All our schools offer wrap-around support and mentoring for our ECTs from start to finish, enabling all of our ECTs to embark upon successful careers within the teaching profession.  Our online “Zenith Institute”, provides a one-stop shop CPD platform, which allows busy teachers to access the very best training, at a time which suits them.  We also work closely with the Education Endowment Foundation, who act as a repository for the most rigorous research into education, and all staff are encouraged to engage with the training available. 


As teachers progress in their careers, opportunities for networking within our Trust and beyond enable ongoing professional development and opportunities to improve practice.  These  networking opportunities are supported by our membership of Subject Associations, and face to face training with our communities of practice leaders.  Wider networks, such as the Benfleet Teaching School Alliance and local cluster groups share practice.  Staff are also encouraged to undertake National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) and Masters to develop leadership skills, and there are numerous opportunities across the Trust to progress and achieve promotion. 


If you would like to hear more about what our Trust can offer you, please speak to our Teaching and Learning leads in our schools, or our Trust CPD Lead, Katrina Lambert: 


Castle View School: Rachel Hurrell, Deputy Headteacher

Castledon School: Janie Haigh, Deputy Headteacher

James Hornsby School: Pip Frend, Deputy Headteacher 

The King John School: Nicola Spearman, Deputy Headteacher

Laindon Park Primary School: Cristina Portoles, Headteacher