The Trustees are the people responsible under the Trust’s Articles of Association for overall strategic direction, and overseeing the schools’ management and administration. They have responsibility for directing its affairs, and for ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering the Trust’s charitable outcomes for the benefit of the public.
Janet BarberisTrustee
Janet Barberis
I have over 30 years experience in banking and financial markets, and I am currently a managing director in a global financial services consultancy firm, specialising in internal audit, governance, risk management, and controls. I am a qualified ACA and have held many senior roles across a number of global firms. This has provided me with great insight into effective governance, strategy, and oversight. I am also a Trustee for a Montessori charity which gives me a strong understanding of the importance of education from an early age, and I am passionate about the need for all children to have the opportunity of a sound education.
Iain BirtwellTrustee & Chair of Pay Committee (& link Trustee for Equalities)
Iain Birtwell
I have worked in education in Essex and Suffolk for over 40 years. Following headship of a number of schools, I was employed as a Local Authority advisory headteacher. Recently I have been CEO of a consultancy company.
Alan DaviesTrustee & Chair of Finance, Audit & Risk Committee (& link Trustee for Finance & Operations)
Alan Davies
I have been a Governor for more than 12 years. I continue to combine my experience in industry, which includes risk management and financial matters, with the knowledge and understanding that comes from the experience of sitting on Local Governing Bodies and now the Trustee Board.
Nicky EverettTrustee (& link Trustee for Safeguarding & Well-Being, and Inclusion
Nicky Everett
I have worked in education for 25 years in the primary sector, including as a Headteacher and I now work as a Director of Education for a local academy trust. My specialism is Special Educational Needs.
Sarah FosterTrustee (& link Trustee for H&S)
Sarah Foster
I have lived in the local area for the last 35 years and my background is in financial services. I currently work for the financial regulator
Rob JamesTrustee & Chair of Standards Committee (& link Trustee for Curriculum and Careers)
Rob James
I started teaching Physical Education in 1988 and have held various roles in schools in Worcestershire and Essex. I have been a Headteacher since 2013, and my present role is Deputy CEO & Director of Secondary Education for Bridge Academy Trust. I am a former Chief Examiner for A level, and currently an Ofsted Lead Inspector, as well as a Local Leader in Education (LLE). I chair the Headteacher Committee for Mid Essex ITT and facilitate the NPQH course.
John MarchantVice Chair & Trustee (& link Trustee for School Improvement)
John Marchant
I have worked within education settings for the past forty years. Having qualified as a teacher of Geography, I held a variety of senior posts within the secondary sector including being a Headteacher. I was previously trained and qualified as a Registered Ofsted Inspector. I have a Masters Degree in Education Management and the National Professional Qualification for Headship.
Ben SteelTrustee (& link Trustee for Workforce)
Ben Steel
Improving life chances and life-long learning are passions of mine. Although I am not an education specialist, I bring extensive experience from the Commercial sector as a Global Fellow Management Accountant and a Global Human Resources specialist working across international companies. I have experience of school governance and, as well as my love of sport, I love creating opportunities!
Stewart TaylorChair (& link Trustee for Behaviour, Attendance & PPG/SEND)
Stewart Taylor
I have lived in the local area for 40 years and have been a school governor for 14 years at both primary and secondary levels, being Chair of Governors before becoming Chair of Trustees. My children have gone through the Trust Schools and are now in Further Education.
I own and run a local business, and in my spare time I'm involved in a Local Coastal rowing club.